On what basis you assign works to your team members when you are new to that team and accepted the leadership of the team?

Questions by aravind_mk_cit   answers by aravind_mk_cit

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Feb 10th, 2007

Strong ground work about the team members is essential before assigning any responsibilities. Have to go through the previous projects and watch out the various roles taken by your team member... How efficient they are in meeting the deadlines and deliveries. A best manager would handle any personality issues.

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  • May 17th, 2007

Best strategy in this case will be to work in the team as member who has authority over the administrative tasks. Step by step share your ideas with the team members and help them understand the requirements. Once you are confident that the team likes your ideas, give authority to individual for the piece of work.
This will help you to lead the team with the support of the team members.

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The first thing any Team leader has to do is to know his team, Their strengths, weaknesses, temperment, Previous working style etc. This can be mostly achieved by going through their personal files, Resume, Previous job information and also by studying their behaviour and working style along with one to one discussions with them etc. Hence the first thing for any Team Leader before taking control of any established Team is to get the above information. Only then can he start assigning work to his/ her Team members. If the team itself is new and you have also joined it newly then the most information about the Team members can be got by going through teir training records and resumes along with one to one discussions with them.

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