What is meant by defect submission with examples

Questions by vamsi_pendela

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Feb 1st, 2007

Defect submission is nothing but u have to mention all the details of defect.Steps to produce that defect.Configuration,Condition...Like that all the details.ANd then most important Priority and sevirioty of that defect has to be mentioned.So this all comes in defect submission.

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  • Mar 2nd, 2009

Posting a bug into a utility or tool (defect tracking tool), specifying the conditions under which the defect has been evolved in the software. Posting means making a note for the defect.

Example: You have to test "login" functionality of the web application and when
you enter correct user name and password and click on "login" button, application does not allow to be logged into your account. So this is a defect and you have to make a note for this defect like this...

1. Project

2. Defect type: Select defect type -- Bug. (defect type cane be bug, improvement, new feature, change request etc.)
3. Defect
summary: User is not able to login into application with correct user name and password.
4. Defect severity: Select "blocker" as severity. (It can be blocker, critical, major, minor etc)
5. Defect component: Select name of the component where defect has come. (If application is divided into different components or modules)
6. Defect description: Enter description of the bug which should contain:
   a. Test server name
Browser and OS name
   c. URL : where defect appears
   d. Steps to reproduce error (detailed description stating what exact steps should be executed to reproduce the bug)
   e. Expected result (As per specification)
   f. Actual Result: User is not able to login into application.
7. Screen Shot: Attach screen shot of login page where user is not able to login.

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