Suppose there is a txt file with following format:Student name Grades in subjectsX ABA+CDA+Y B+CAA+AAthere can be many students with there grades in various subjects. (number of subjects are unknown)Possible values of grade are: A, A+, B, B+, C, D now suppose the file gets corrupted and all '+' are replaced by 'A'Write a program to restore the file
Questions by smart_coder answers by smart_coder
Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers
Suppose there is a txt file with following format:Student name Grades in subjectsX ABA+CDA+Y B+CAA+AAthere can be many students with there grades in various subjects. (number of subjects are unknown)Possible values of grade are: A, A+, B, B+, C, D now suppose the file gets corrupted and all '+' are replaced by 'A'Write a program to restore the file
Questions by smart_coder answers by smart_coder