What is difference between Time constraint two, and three. What are the general function modules in Organization management ?

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  • Dec 2nd, 2007

Time constraints is used in Functional Modules e.g. HR Module.

It specify whether we can make any Time Gaps between two successive tasks or not.

time constraint 2 means: we can make gaps
time constraint 3 means: we can't make gaps


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  • Sep 2nd, 2008

Time Constraint 2
No more than one valid record can exist at any one time. Records with constraint 2 must not overlap. Their existence is not obligatory. If a new record is created, the system automatically delimits the previous record, if one exists. If a record is delimited because of time constraint 2, the system displays an appropriate message. 
Time Constraint 3
 Any number of valid records can exist at any one time. The individual records do not conflict with each other.

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In SAP we have two kinds of database tables, one with the field MANDT (meaning CLIENT in German) and one without MANDT, Customers may choose to run different SAP applications like ERP, Finance which may or may not reside  in the same physical system.

Now it may so happen that data relevant to HR may not useful or disclosable for the Finance system. In such cases the field MANDT in database tables helps to identify the relevant system and show data accordingly.  The client is nothing but a logical system, which may be assigned to any business area, for eg. client 000 may be HR, 001 may be finance, 002 may be SD, all of them actually residing in the same physical system. Now to differentiate data being maintained from different logical systems(like HR,FIN) we choose to keep this field as a part of the database table.

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