Difference b/w subnetmask and default gateway

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  • Jan 24th, 2007

Subnetmask is nothing but a playning of network and Default gateway is comunicate to one network to another network given to router all pc in the network communicate to that particular default ip addreess.

Vishal Garg

  • Jan 25th, 2007

HiSubnet Mask:- the mask is used to detrmine that which part of IP belonged to network or which part belong to host. E.g. if u have a IP and its subnet mask is then the 172.16 is network part , and 25.16 is host part. If subneting is enable then we can use some bit of host part in network .Subnet mask mainly use in subneting. for above example subnet mask is the nwk address become 172.16.25. and the host part is 32.Default gateway:- For a simple LAN there is no use of default gateway, It is used when network communicate with other network. it is just like a Main gate of home when a person wanna go to outside from home or come inside he can only do the same by main gate. Same Concept used here. In network if the packet have address of same address then switch direct forward the packet to its desired destination. And if packet have another network address it should be come out from Default gate way. Basically it reduces the collision.Vishal Garg

subnetmask is just used to identify the class of ip address and its is used for subnetting of ip address for eg:-

ipaddress -
we can find N/W part that is 192.168.1 and Host part that is 2
the class of ip is C

where as default gateway is a ip address given to a router or ASDL modem which is used to communuicate with other N/Ws or internet

Mohammed Younus

  • Mar 15th, 2007

looking toward the Subnetmask only we can Identify to which Class does this Ip belongs and using subnet mask we can divide Large N/W into smaller N/W.

Gateway is the Particular unique IP  Assigned on router for other network to communicate which acts as a Gateway to local N/W.

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Computers understands, thes are in a same network with the help of netmask while in case of lan server ip work the gateway for clients. 

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  • Mar 19th, 2013

Subnetmask is divided the IP address into Host and Network. How many Bit is for network and how many bit
for Host,
Default Gateway is Route or Way to enter into the Other Network

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kesavulu thumala

  • Feb 5th, 2015

subnetmask is just used to identify the class of ip address and its is used for subnetting of ip address for eg:-

ipaddress -
we can find N/W part that is 192.168.1 and Host part that is 2
the class of ip is C

where as default gateway is a ip address given to a router or ASDL modem which is used to communicate with other N/Ws or internet

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  • Dec 27th, 2015

Subnetmask is used to divide the IP address into is host bit and the network bit

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