What is meant by 3-tier architecture

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  • Jan 11th, 2007

a 3 tier application is one in which we hav

1) at highest level- the client browser

2) the middile tier -asp.net machine

3)the lower level - the database machine

it is also called as n tier application

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  • Jan 19th, 2007

3 Tier architecture means we are working with different layers and each layer is used for specifc task
1st tier i.e Interface Layer containing web Forms.
2nd tier i.e. BLL Business Logic Layer contain logic of our application.
n 3rd tier i.e. Data Access Layer is used to communicate with back end database (sql server, mysql etc.)


  • Jan 26th, 2007

FYI this answer is completely wrong.

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  • Feb 15th, 2007

3-tier means there is a three layer in the application for divide your app.so the task of the maintain work is very easy 1:-> Data Access layer2:-> Business logic layer3:-> user interface layer

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  • Mar 13th, 2007

Layers and Tiers are totally different. Layers are logical seperation and Tiers are physical seperation.

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vinod khattri

  • Aug 22nd, 2007

3 Tier architecture means you are using 3 layers
1. Application layer ( UI)
2. Business Logic Layer (Class Files)
3. Data Layer

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  • Jun 2nd, 2009

First of all there is a difference between 3-Tier and 3-Layer Architecture.

Tier's represents the physical separation of the application.


If I keep my whole application in one server and database in another server (which we generally do for security and performance reasons). Then it should be termed as 2-tier application.

Layer's represent logical separation of application.


We generally split our application into 3-Layers
1)Presentation Layer ( Where we keep all web forms, Master Pages and User Controls).
2)Business Layer (Where we keep business logic). e.g Code related to manipulating data, Custom Exception classes, Custom Control classes, Login related code if any etc. etc.
3)Data Access Layer (Where we keep code used to interact with DB). e.g. We can have the methods which are using SQL Helper (Application Block).

Note: It is always a good practice to write Interface for each class in your application including code behind classes. It seems funny right! But if you refer WCSF which is the standard format to create a application, you will agree with me. Or else you can refer a WCF application where we are using the kind of approach which I told.

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