What's the difference between source and target object definitions in Informatica?

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Sravan Kumar

  • Jan 5th, 2007

Source system is the system which provides the business data is called as source system

Target system is a system to which the data being loads

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  • Jan 11th, 2007

source definition is the structure of the source database existed in the OLTP system . using source definition u can extrcact the transactional data from OLTP SYSTEMS.TARGET DEFINITION IS THE STRUCTURE GIVEN BY THE DBA's ,TO POPULATE THE DATA FROM SOURCE DEFINITION ACCORDING BUSINESS RULES , FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING EFFECTIVE DESITIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE.

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  • Feb 13th, 2007

Hai ,what Saibabu wrote is correct.Source definition means defining the structure of the source from which we have to extract the data to transform and then load to the target.Target definition means defining the structure of the target (relation table or flat file)

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