What is the difference between usability testing & user acceptance testing?

Questions by prasanna venkatesan

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Jan 8th, 2007

Usability Testing

This is to test the user friendliness of the software

User Acceptance Testing

This is to test whether to accept the software or not. 

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  • Jan 8th, 2007

Usability Testing is effort required learning ,operating& preparing input & interpreting output of a program.

User Accetance Testing  is the final testing stages by users of a newly developed or enhanced program. Th test is performed by the real users of the systemin order to approve the system goes live.

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srinivas racha

  • Jan 19th, 2007

During this test, tester verify the usabilty features provided by the application like easy to use, easy to learn, look and feel, navigation, help etc. which should attract the client and usabilty is a part of user acceptance testing.

UAT(user acceptance testing) means the client users will conduct the Acceptance testing to verify whether the S.W is working according to there bussiness requirement.

Client not only checks the requirement but also usability features.

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  • Jan 19th, 2007

In usability testing we test the user friendliness of the application.we test the GUI object,text displayed on the GUI object & messages displayed for the user to give the information about the application.

It is done on the basis of some predefined criteria given by the user interms of SRS(system Review Specification.Here we check wheather the application is meeting all the requirements of user or not and is going to acceptable by the user or not.

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  • Jan 23rd, 2007

UAT is a form of Acceptance testing conducted from the user's perspective.( i.e. involving User representatives) This testing phase is used to test the system as a wholeto ensure that it meets its stated business requirements and that it performs within  defined constraints. This testing phase takes place after system testinghas been completed.

Usability testing a particular type of Nonfunctional Testing that focuses  on the ease of use of the application under test from the perspective of the End user. Issues to be considered in Usability testing include the intuitivesness, consistency and clarity or understandability of the user interface.

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Usability Testing - is to test the user-friendliness of the software.

Easy to use, look , speed in interface.

User Acceptance Testing - is to gather feedback from customer before releasing the software to the customer.
Alpha and Beta testing are subtests in UAT.

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Usability Testing is testing performed by potential end-users to gain feedback about the ease with which they can learn and use the application.  It is typically done before software development is complete. 

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is typically performed by a 3rd party organization who has defined the software's requirements.  When the development effort is complete, persons representing this client organization will perform UAT in order to ensure that the software meets all of their requirements. 

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