What is end to end Testing

Questions by cindrela   answers by cindrela

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • Jan 9th, 2007

End-to-End Testing refers to the concept of testing at all points of access in an end-to-end solution. It combines functionality and performance testing at the component and system levels. It is essentially a "Gray box" approach to testing - a combination of the strengths of white box and black box testing while eliminating the weaknesses inherent in each.

End-to-End Testing brings out how reliably the devices in an end-to-end solution interact via various media and also how users interact with these devices. It is the uncertainty of how the devices / equipments of various makes and varying standards of interfaces will respond to the demands placed on it in an end-to end solution that creates the need for and challenge in End-to-End Testing


  • Jan 9th, 2007

End to End testing is the testing of the application for all the possible scenarios. It is someway related to Exhaustive testing of the application. however, this can not be done in practise as they are more time consuming.


  • Dec 19th, 2007

End to end testing is like a system testing where we can test the product with system spcification at the system side.  The product should accept the system requirment spcified by the user

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  • May 2nd, 2008

similar to system testing,The macro end of the test scale.Involves testing of an  complete application environment in a situation that mimics real world use,such as interacting with data base,using network communications,or interacting with other hardware ,applications,or systems if appropriate..

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End-to-end testing is the process of testing transactions or business level
products as they pass right through the computer systems. Thus this generally
ensures that all aspects of the business are supported by the systems under

E2E testing Verifies that a set of interconnected systems will perform
correctly – Individual subsystems and applications may have been tested and
approved, but unobserved faults may still exist in the system as a whole

E2E testing Focuses on system functionality exclusively from the end user’s
point of view

It is different from System, Integration Testing.

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End-to-end testing exercises the system from a 'macro' perspective.  It involves testing the application environment in conditions that mimic real-world use such as interacting with a database, using network communications, interacting with other systems, services, hardware and applications as appropriate.

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