What are the steps involved in development of a xml report?

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers

neela manohar

  • Jan 10th, 2007

sql> set markup on

sql>spool <filename>.html

sql>select * from tname;

sql>spool off

this is what i have.

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  • Feb 27th, 2013

1.Create the RDF using Report Builder
2.Register the concurrent program and select Output format as XML and Style A4.
3.Go through XML Publisher responsibility
Create Data Definition & Template
attach the RTF in Template .

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Purvesh khanna

  • Oct 9th, 2013

Steps for developing a XML report in r12

1. Define data template.

2. Create data definition and associate or upload data template.

3. Define concurrent program to generate data XML output.

4. Define RTF template using generated data XML.

5. Registered the template with BI publisher.

6. Run the concurrent program to see the output.


  • Jan 30th, 2014

1) in Rdf , in Datamodel Write the Query, if u want summary columns,formula columns add in data model
2)Sava The file name with extenstion(.rdf)
3)Generate the xml (i.e File --->generarate the xml)
4)save the file with Extenstion .xml
5)in word build the layout by using load data.
6)create the excutable.
7)create the cc program with output format as XML
8)in XML publisher responsibility create the data defination
and template
9)submit the cc program

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