What is Correlation,How many types of Correlations are there in LoadRunner?

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  • Dec 31st, 2006

While creating vuser script Some data of object will be taken in to the script and few data values has to be generated by the application during time. for example: The date and time desplayed on application at the time of recording never be same as run time date and time. Actually it's generated by system(application), User can not exit or pass any parameter to it. So we can write some programs which takes this value and o/p some other values again we pass it to other function like that we can get final o/p as the value which can be at the time of running the application. This correlation can be done in two Ways One is Manual correlation When we r clear about the object whose values changes dynamically, then u can correlate them directly. Secondly , If u r not clear about the objects then u can use Lr option of Auto-correlation whenever u choose it LR identifies all the objects which has to correlate and desplys a list then u can choose which objects u have to correlate and correlate them I think it's useful to u Once u try on LR then u will understand it wel

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  • Jun 19th, 2008

Correlation can be used to capture the dynamic values which are generated by the server. You can do the correlation in 2 types:
1. Manual correlation
2.Automation Correlation
Manual Correlation: This can be done in 3 ways:
   Manually Check the script: Correlate the dynamic values going thru the script.
   SnapShot comparision: Compare the snapshots for the Recording & replay
   Script Comparision: Record the same script 2 times and compare the scripts for         dynamic values thru  Tools> Compare with Vuser option in VuGen.

Autamation Correlation: Use the Scan for Correlation(ctrl+F8) feature. We can also set the rules in recording option and correlation tab that helps VuGen to correlate while recording. Rules are generally set up for most occuring variables like ViewState, SessionID.

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suresh kasi

  • Dec 21st, 2016

What is Correlation?
Its nothing but to replace dynamic value in the script to avoid unwanted error is called correlation.
1. Manual Correlation 2. Auto correlation
Manual Correlation:
Replace the dynamic value manually using correlation function(web_reg_save_param()) And before that we need to capture Left boundary, Right boundary & Occurrence. after that add the correlation function before the previous request.
Auto Correlation:
we no need do any thing, while clicking on correlation button tool automatically correlated o dynamic value but its not accuracy. thats why i suggested most of the time manual correlation.

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  • Jun 20th, 2017

Correlation - Capturing of dynamic values passed from the server to the client. (Timestamp, Checksum, SessionID, EngineID).
Correlation can be performed in two ways:
1.Manual correlation and
2.Automation Correlation.

Manual Correlation: This can be done in 3 ways:
1) Manually check the script: Correlate the dynamic values going thru the script.

2) Snapshot comparison: Compare the snapshots for the Recording & replay

3) Script Comparisons: Record the same script 2 times and compare the scripts for dynamic values thru Tools> Compare with Vuser option in VuGen.

Autamation Correlation can be done in 2 ways:
1) Use the Scan for Correlation (ctrl+F8) feature.

2) We can also set the rules in recording option -> correlation tab that helps VuGen to correlate while recording. Rules are generally set up for most occurring variables like ViewState, SessionID.

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