What is the Performance testing; those can be done Manually & Automatically?

Questions by schittoor   answers by schittoor

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers

Dileep Kumar.G

  • Dec 21st, 2006

Hi srinivasulu

Testing the performance of any application is called performance testing. Take an example of Gmail.com. At a time so many people are accessing this website. So we have to check at max. how many people can access this site with out any interruption. We can do it manually and automatically. But manually for this type of big application is impossible. We can use Load runner for this type of applications. We create virtual servers in thousands or in lakhs depending onthe customer requirement. and we'll check the performance of the site.



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  • Dec 21st, 2006

Hi Srinivasulu,

You made your answer very simple and easy to understand with a good example.

Thanks a lot.

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  • Dec 22nd, 2006

hello ,

Performence testing is nothing but ...to the check the peformence of the application or product.

But, the things we go with manual performence is nothing but to check the perfomence of the client/sever and small applications which have limited users access like a office server ( mostly in hundereds ).

Mostly we need a tool like loadrunner to check the URL's & web applications ..... like google as explained above to check the request time and response time meets the clients requirements.


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  • Dec 28th, 2006

Performance testing is where you test how the application performs when the load (users) on the application varies. This test can be performed manually where the load is very less. But in situations where the load increases, it becomes tedious and impossible. Therefore Load Runner is the testing tool used for Performance testing.

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  • Jan 1st, 2007

In Performance testing we test mainly to determine how fast some aspect of a system performs under a particular workload. under this we test generally

a) responce time b) turnaroundtime c)throughput etc.

 To test these paramters it is always recommended to test via automated tools like loadrunner through which we can create virtual users and then test the system under test.

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A basic definition:  Performance testing is any testing that verifies whether or not the performance of something is acceptible.  These are often formal tests which use elaborate tools (like Loadrunner) and are based on well-defined prerequisites, test steps, and pass/fail criteria.  But aspects of an application's performance can also be performed during ad-hoc tests where testers' casual observations caused them to measure the time it takes for various pages to load.  The performance of a great many software and web applications have been improved using only these ad-hoc measures. 

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