What is Pair testing?

Questions by jainbrijesh   answers by jainbrijesh

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  • Dec 19th, 2006

Two persons, e.g. two testers, a developer and a tester, or an end-user and a tester, working together to find defects. Typically, they share one computer and trade control of it while testing.


Anand Amalan.M.R.

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Pair testing is a way of approaching a test design process by having two people test the same thing at the same time and place, continuously exchanging ideas. Even without any special method or process, the dynamics of pairing enables the generation of more and different ideas than either tester is likely to produce on his own. It?s an effective complement to individual testing.



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Pair testing is an approach that involves two persons responsible for testing the same functionality.  These two persons can be 1) two testers, 2) a tester and developer, or 3) a tester and end-user.  One person is typically responsible for physically running the test case while the other acts as an observer.  Pair testing is generally performed on complex functionalities where defects can easily be overlooked.  The purpose of this approach is to ensure testing is accurate and thorough.  It can also add an element of ad-hoc testing to a formal structured testing process, where both persons work together to consider other issues that might arise from the functionalities being investigated.

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