In what situation we have to use alias& and in what situation we to use contexts?

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  • Dec 20th, 2006

Alias are used to eliminate the Loops.


  • Jan 5th, 2007


Both are used to solve Join path problems.

Especially, Contexts are used to solve Chasm traps and Aliases are used to solve Fan traps.



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HiAlias can be used when there is less complexity in loops and few fact tables where as Context can be used to resolve loops when more fact tables are present in the universe design.

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when we create alias or context , we end up with Objects. If the objects you created is sounds like same then you can go for context. if the objects sounds different then you can go for alias. The main thing is that the best way to resolve the loop is alias.


  • Apr 30th, 2007

hi , this is suggestion is

1. we can go for alias when ever there is multiple usage of that particular table.....else go for contexts..

2.we use contexts ... when ever there is a many to one relationship between 2 fact tables and 1 look up table(nothing but charm trap)

3.if there is a necessary to use more than 1 alias to solve the loop..then go for contexts....

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  • Oct 21st, 2010


In the Loop if we have one fact table and two Look up tables,then we use Aliases.

In the Loop,if we have more than one Fact table then we go for Contexts...

At a time a look up tablecan talk to atmost one fact table.

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Both are used to resolve loops.

Alias is used in case of dimension tables to resolve the loop

Where in context is used to resolve loop which occurs for fact tables..


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  • May 30th, 2011

Alias: Alias is used when two dim tables and one fact table are there in the loop, alias is used for one dim table which has less outer joins.

Context: Context are used when there are 2 fact tables and one dim table in the loop, we create context for one join between one fact and dim in the loop.

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  • May 23rd, 2012

More than 3 dimension tables and one fact table is there in that scenario on that situation we use alias technics.

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Alias: When we have 2 dimension tables with 1 fact table in the schema at that time it is best way to resolve the loop using Alias.We can create alias on lookup table which has both ends 1-1 relationship.

Context: When we have 2 dimension tables with more than 1 fact table in the schema at that time it is best way to resolve the loop using Context by defining the separate path.

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  • Jan 26th, 2014

Hope it is useful.....
Alias use to solve Fan Traps problem in Fan Traps problem 3 tables will be participate, table A connected to table B with one-to-many relationship, table B connected to table C with one-to-many relationship. It means the relationship between table A,B,C is one-to-many-to-many. For Example- one customer having multiple account number, one bank account number connected with multiple loan number.

Contexts- Context use to solve Chasm Traps problem in Chasm Traps problem 3 table will be participate with many-to-one relationship. many-to-one relationship converge to a single table. For Example- Many customer in an organization there can be a many salary structure resolve by the Contexts.

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  • Jul 2nd, 2014

Alias is to resolve the loop between three tables and one Fact table , context is used to resolve loop between three tables and more than one fact Table

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