How many types of data base triggers are there, what is cascading how many types of queries are there

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


Basicaly only two type trigger are:  Database trigger and Applicaton trigger

database trigger: on table (before, after , update, insert, delete, row level, statement level) 2 * 3 * 2 = 12 triggers

Application trigger/system triggers ( after logon, before logoff, after startup, before shutdown, on error, on ddl ) so 12 + 6

queries:   subquery, inline query, co-related query

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  • Jan 24th, 2007

hi,some additions to Ram pratap answer:There are actually two types of triggers: DATABASE and APPLICATION triggers.Database triggers are of three types:1)DML trigeers: we can have a total of 12 DML trigger. ( 3 triggers based on statement i.e. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE * 2 triggers based on timing i.e. BEFORE and AFTER * 2 triggers based on levels i.e. ROW and STATEMENT = 12)2)Instead of trigger: used for updating views based on join condition.3)System trigger: these are the triggers whcih fire on DDL or database events.answer for the remaining two question is same as to what ram has written.cheers.

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