hi the above condition holds good in case of static loading,
say, I have 10000 recs in my source to load, but while loading it fails say at 6887th record,
how can i reload just the remaining record 3313 records alone :-)
thanks in advance. infoseeker
Jan 17th, 2007
hello mr.info seek ... in tht secniro we have to go for store procedure.. it will call the last inserted value from the target table and then from tht row it will insert the next value... bye
Feb 1st, 2007
Hi if it is flat file then all the properties in the SQ will be disable then how can i write in SQL override
In my source table 1000 rec's are there. I want to load 501 rec to 1000 rec into my Target table ?
Questions by phanimv answers by phanimv