How to work with VSS environment. I have to work with my other team members and our machine is connected thru VPN.Our main project is located into one location and Now how can i access that project/solution from my pc.Both are working in 1.1 and have loaded VSS6.0. I don't have oracle server here only that main project PC is loaded with in this scenario pls help how to work with VSS6.0 for asp.net1.1 projectthanx..samir

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lalith kumar

  • Dec 15th, 2006

Main project is located in one Place(Machine).that machine mush have the VSS,and ur pc must also have VSS. ur pc must have access to that Machine.

once u have the access then u r able to checkout & Checkin the files,The modification which was done by ur team meets and those files r checkedin to the vss, by getting latest from VSS, then u can see the code which was modified from ur pc

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