What is think time in load runner?

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  • Nov 17th, 2006

the time which imitates the human to navigate from one page to another, Think time is the time that a real user waits between actions.

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  • Nov 20th, 2006

LR think time is measurment of the time that realuser takes to pause betwwen execution of the steps.

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S.Sreenivas Murthy

  • Nov 28th, 2006

Think time is a time that the real user(Who ever uses the application/product) waits between the actions.Eg: If your going into an ATM centre to made the transaction.By placing the card you will get main screen , after performing the other action i.e transaction you should wait for some time.That waiting time is called as "THINK TIME".

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  • Dec 31st, 2006

Think time is the time user waits between performing actions.Means user may click on a link and page will be uploaded after that user may not perform immediately other action he waits and searches for desired string or tab after finding it he will perform an action of clicking or filling something. the time he takes in between these actions is called thinktime

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  • Nov 13th, 2007

The time is same as respo time , means total time required to open a page or a link.

       Suppose you click on a web page to open. It will take fractin of second to  open , that time you can say as to think time.

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Hi this is Priyank vyas

Think time: It is the time taken by user to send next user request to server.

eg. User sends a request to open http://www.gmail.com and page will be open after few second. After that user does entry (usrname & password), finally submit it.

So the time taken by user to do entries is think time of user. That is also recorded by loadrunner while recording to emulate real user activity.

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  • Jan 11th, 2017

Think time is the that real user takes time to perform steps in action, for example user takes 10 seconds to type the pin number when using ATM card and same way real user takes few seconds to enter amount for withdrawal, that wait time is called as "Think Time". Which is introduced in the load runner to emulate real user behavior so that the performance results will be more accurate.

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  • Jun 13th, 2017

While accessing the application, real user think time between one request to another request.
The time gap between two transaction is called think time.

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