What is Data Profiling in Business Objects?What is Data Synchronization in Business Objects?

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  • Dec 25th, 2006

data synchronisation is used to synchronise data from say 2 data providers :

1 say all list of sent emails

2 say all list of recd emails

you can synchronise these 2 lists using merged dimensions in webi

however what works in deski using formula may not work in webi; bcos things work differently and the engines are difft. and so it is not advised to use formula but just use merged dimensions and synchronise data.

and u can only synch data on dimension not on measures !

for more info ... go to BO site... download the guides which are there and read them.......for more elaborate explanation.

but this is the basic funda abt sync of data

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  • Mar 8th, 2018

Data profiling is a feature of SAP BODS. Data profiling handles the inconsistencies seen in data. When data comes in through a single interface, the program can validate data as it is entered. But in many other cases, data comes in a much less consistent way, with improperly formatted social security numbers, invalid values for certain fields, missing data, and the like. SAP BODS data profiling ensures that data is complete, consistently formatted, and valid.
It is of 2 types:
Column profiling: This will let us understand what are the unique values present in the column, min / max values, how many null values / blanks, their percentage, max /min / avg string length etc.
Relationship profiling: This will make us understand the percentage/ Number of records present in Tables while comparing them.

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