Project after software testing course

I completed software testing course can some one suggest me about the projects and details

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

kabir khanna

  • Dec 2nd, 2006

Hi, An interesting testing project would be to take a popular software like Microsoft word/Excel/Tally or any that you are familiar with( it could also be the Windows operating system ) and then try to run down through various menus and functionalities. On the way try to document as many as possible bugs that you find. As an industry vetaran , I can tell you that even shipped software has bugs in it, maybe not of very high severity. Then you can note down these bugs and classify them in the order of severity as per your understanding. Sharing this information with the company on whose software you did this excercise might be a good idea and may even land you a job there :-).all the best.rgdskabir...

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