Can u please explain the page life cycle.i want a exact answer.what r the events raised during the page processing.

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           Basically, there are nine events get fired in a page cycle.But from developers point of view, we need to know four basic events and it sequence. Rest are of them are related to loading viewstate.

This includes:

Init() - when the page is instantiated
Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory
PreRender() - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML
Unload() - when page finishes loading. 

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  • Mar 17th, 2007

hi friend,
You must understand some keywords such as request and response. whenever browser need any operation from server is called request. server pick up the request, which are generated by browser and generate response.
let you know how is this operation is going to work in Web server swings into action, starting the assembly (DLL) that responds to that request. The executable creates an instance of the requested Web form, generates the HTML to respond to the request, and posts that response to the browser. It then destroys the instance of the Web form.

Initially, whenever request arrives the server(request),then STARTDLL is executed followed by CREATE PAGES, POST HTML and DESTROYS PAGES.

Each web form contains atleast following events

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