Which TSL functions you will use for
Searching text on the window
i. find_text ( string, out_coord_array, search_area [, string_def ] );
string The string that is searched for. The string must be complete, contain no spaces, and it must be preceded and followed by a space outside the quotation marks. To specify a literal, case-sensitive string, enclose the string in quotation marks. Alternatively, you can specify the name of a string variable. In this case, the string variable can include a regular expression.
out_coord_array The name of the array that stores the screen
coordinates of the text (see explanation below).
search_area The area to search, specified as coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2. These define any two diagonal corners of a rectangle. The interpreter searches for the text in the area defined by the rectangle. string_def Defines the type of search to perform. If no value is specified, (0 or FALSE, the default), the search is for a single complete word only. When 1, or TRUE, is specified, the search is not restricted to a single, complete word.
b. getting the location of the text string
i. win_find_text ( window, string, result_array [, search_area [, string_def ] ] );
window The logical name of the window to search.
string The text to locate. To specify a literal, case sensitive string, enclose the string in quotation marks. Alternatively, you can specify the name of a string variable. The value of the string variable can include a regular expression. The regular expression should not include an exclamation mark (!), however, which is treated as a literal character. For more information regarding Regular Expressions, refer to the "Using
Regular Expressions" chapter in your User's Guide.
result_array The name of the output variable that stores the location of the string as a four-element array.
search_area The region of the object to search, relative to the window. This area is defined as a pair of coordinates, with x1,y1,x2,y2 specifying any two diagonally opposite corners of the rectangular search region. If this parameter is not defined, then the entire window is considered the search area.
string_def Defines how the text search is performed. If no string_def is specified, (0 or FALSE, the default parameter), the interpreter searches for a complete word only. If 1, or TRUE, is specified, the search is not restricted to a single, complete word.
c. Moving the pointer to that text string
i. win_move_locator_text (window, string [ ,search_area [ ,string_def ] ] );
window The logical name of the window.
string The text to locate. To specify a literal, case sensitive string, enclose the string in quotation marks. Alternatively, you can specify the name of a string variable. The value of the string variable can include a regular expression (the regular expression need not begin with an exclamation mark).
search_area The region of the object to search, relative to the window. This area is defined as a pair of coordinates, with x1, y1, x2, y2 specifying any two diagonally opposite corners of the rectangular search region. If this parameter is not defined, then the entire window specified is considered the search area.
string_def Defines how the text search is performed. If no string_def is specified, (0 or FALSE, the default parameter), the interpreter searches for a complete word only. If 1, or TRUE, is specified, the search is not restricted to a single, complete word.
d. Comparing the text
i. compare_text (str1, str2 [, chars1, chars2]);
str1, str2 The two strings to be compared.
chars1 One or more characters in the first string.
chars2 One or more characters in the second string. These characters are substituted for those in chars1.
Interview Candidate
- Sep 5th, 2004
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Which TSL functions you will use for
i. find_text ( string, out_coord_array, search_area [, string_def ] );
string The string that is searched for. The string must be complete, contain no spaces, and it must be preceded and followed by a space outside the quotation marks. To specify a literal, case-sensitive string, enclose the string in quotation marks. Alternatively, you can specify the name of a string variable. In this case, the string variable can include a regular expression.
out_coord_array The name of the array that stores the screen
coordinates of the text (see explanation below).
search_area The area to search, specified as coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2. These define any two diagonal corners of a rectangle. The interpreter searches for the text in the area defined by the rectangle. string_def Defines the type of search to perform. If no value is specified, (0 or FALSE, the default), the search is for a single complete word only. When 1, or TRUE, is specified, the search is not restricted to a single, complete word.
b. getting the location of the text string
i. win_find_text ( window, string, result_array [, search_area [, string_def ] ] );
window The logical name of the window to search.
string The text to locate. To specify a literal, case sensitive string, enclose the string in quotation marks. Alternatively, you can specify the name of a string variable. The value of the string variable can include a regular expression. The regular expression should not include an exclamation mark (!), however, which is treated as a literal character. For more information regarding Regular Expressions, refer to the "Using
Regular Expressions" chapter in your User's Guide.
result_array The name of the output variable that stores the location of the string as a four-element array.
search_area The region of the object to search, relative to the window. This area is defined as a pair of coordinates, with x1,y1,x2,y2 specifying any two diagonally opposite corners of the rectangular search region. If this parameter is not defined, then the entire window is considered the search area.
string_def Defines how the text search is performed. If no string_def is specified, (0 or FALSE, the default parameter), the interpreter searches for a complete word only. If 1, or TRUE, is specified, the search is not restricted to a single, complete word.
c. Moving the pointer to that text string
i. win_move_locator_text (window, string [ ,search_area [ ,string_def ] ] );
window The logical name of the window.
string The text to locate. To specify a literal, case sensitive string, enclose the string in quotation marks. Alternatively, you can specify the name of a string variable. The value of the string variable can include a regular expression (the regular expression need not begin with an exclamation mark).
search_area The region of the object to search, relative to the window. This area is defined as a pair of coordinates, with x1, y1, x2, y2 specifying any two diagonally opposite corners of the rectangular search region. If this parameter is not defined, then the entire window specified is considered the search area.
string_def Defines how the text search is performed. If no string_def is specified, (0 or FALSE, the default parameter), the interpreter searches for a complete word only. If 1, or TRUE, is specified, the search is not restricted to a single, complete word.
d. Comparing the text
i. compare_text (str1, str2 [, chars1, chars2]);
str1, str2 The two strings to be compared.
chars1 One or more characters in the first string.
chars2 One or more characters in the second string. These characters are substituted for those in chars1.
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