Hello,I'd like to use WR to open file (format 1) and save it to another format 2 (of course with many files). So I record it to create the script in WR, then I add a loop (reading a excel file where are stored the filenames). But when I run it, WR stop at 'set_window' function, because the name of the window is different each time : "Wordpro - file1.lwp", "Wordpro - file2.lwp". (a) I've the file name but I can't use it because the window is not created in the GUIMap, so I never can use 'set_window'(b) I use : 'set_window("{class:window, MSW_class:MDICHILDNT}", 5)' but it doesn't work anymore (window not found, althoug it's the good class when I use the GUISpy).Can you help me ? Thanks.

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  • Dec 5th, 2006

This is quite easy to achieve if you use regular expression in the physical description of the object.

Change the physical description of the window as

 class: window,
 label: "!Wordpro - .*"

and see now it works.

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