What are the basic differences between cognos 7.3 and 8v (specially in ReportNet)

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  • Nov 2nd, 2006

As far as I think there is not much difference in Report Studio.Its much easier than v7.3.Also there are some additional features in 8 which is not that difficult to handle.

The additional features are

u can create one more type of report like map report in addition to list, crosstab ,chart and repeater

Also there is another prompt called tree prompt which organizes data hierarchically.

Rest all is same , there is some change in master detail query too.

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  • Nov 13th, 2006

Difference Between Cognos 7 series  and Cognos Reportnet & Cognos 8:

Cognos 7 series :  1. It is client- server architecture..

2 . It contains some tools which used to build cube and Reports.

Cognos Reportnet : It is Web based environment. There is no need to install client version of the software in each machine. We can access the reportnet server from web browser.(ie ,IE and netscape...)

2. Reportnet contains Report studio -- to create managed report(like impromptu  in 7 series).Query studio ---to create one time report(cognos Query in 7 series). Frame work manager ----To create metadata models. Cognos connection -- Its a web portal. Here you can see ur reports and u can run reports.( its like upfront in  Cognos 7 series)

Note :  There is no component to create cube in this version.You need to use Transformer 7.3 for creating cubes. if any project requires to build reports and cubes. they need purchase both reportnet to create reports and purchase transformer to build cube.

Cognos 8: It is Web based environment. There is no need to install client version of the software in each machine. We can access the cognos 8 BI  server from web browser.(ie ,IE and netscape...)

2 . In this version, they included all the functionality available in cognos 7 series in to single suit.

It contains ways to create cube and multidimention view data. And intergrated visxualizer and every thing in to single suit. There is no need to purchase seperate pacake to create cube and create reports.

According to my knowledge , this is some basic differences...



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Just 1 addition guys !in ReportNet 1.1( Cognos7) you will have 2 create a union query by going to Query Explorer & then populate your data container based upon newly union-ed query.in Cognos8, using Crosstabs or Charts, you can do this very easily. without creating a new query by union operator.a simple example of out will exibit the direction of my explaination. year1 year2 year3Products xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxProduct1 xxx xxx xxxProduct2 xxx xxx xxxProduct3 xx xx xxLocations xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxL1 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx L2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxxthis crosstab's dealing with 2 different queries actually. (Query1 : Product, Year, measure)(Query2 : Location, Year, measure)& in Cognos8, automatically you can union them, just by dragging objects to specific lines & dropping.Hope, I've made this point clear to understand.Regards,Patrick.

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