Summarize the differene between OLTP,ODS AND DATA WAREHOUSE ?

Questions by thumatinagaraju   answers by thumatinagaraju

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • Oct 30th, 2006

oltp - means online transaction processiing ,it is nothing but a database ,we are calling oracle,sqlserver,db2 are olap tools.

OLTP databases, as the name implies, handle real time transactions which inherently have some special requirements.

ODS- stands for Operational Data Store.Its a final integration point ETL process we load the data in ODS before you load the values in target..

DataWareHouse- Datawarehouse is collection of integrated,time varient,non volotile and time varient collection of data which is used to take management decisions.

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Rana Khan

  • Nov 20th, 2006

ODS: this is operational data stores, which means the real time transactional databases. In data warehouse, we extract the data from ODS, transform in the stagging area and load into the target data warehouse.

I think, earlier comments on the ODS is little bit confusing.

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chetan sharma

  • Dec 15th, 2011

ODS:- It is nothing but a collection of tables created in the Datawarehouse that maintains only current data

where as OLTP maintains the data only for transactions, these are designed for recording daily operations and transactions of a business

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chetan singh tanwar

  • Dec 22nd, 2011

OLTP: It is real time transaction. so all transaction comes in oltp, which are being perform at current time. ex- if we go to any showroom and buy anything then showroom owner creates our database and maintain it for further use, its a single oltp system. so every transaction which is made for further analysis is oltp.

ODS: As name indicates operational data store, it is a store which contain the operational data, means it store the data after performing an operation.

Warehouse: It is collection of different data that is used for business analysis. It is a big store of data that give data a graphical view, so that management person can understand it easily for business improving.
ex:- see the last 5 yr record, that how product is become popular and make it for future growth.

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  • Jan 19th, 2012

OLTP: It stores current data.

ODS: It stores recent data

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