How to test the product's specification to find bugs before they make it into the software.

Questions by jainbrijesh   answers by jainbrijesh

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  • Jun 18th, 2008

The product's specification, will be tested in the form of Reviews. These reviews results will be taken care of SQA(Software Quality Assuarence - Verification) through different models like Fish Model, Pareto Analysis.

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There are a number of ways to minimize the defects that are coded into a product due to problematic product requirements and specifications.  They are:

1) Conduct peer reviews of the functional requirements before you submit them to developers.  The project manager, business analyst, marketing, and other informed stakeholders should be represented and involved in this process.

2) Produce mock-ups or wireframes of the application and conduct useability studies with a good cross-section of potential users.

Conduct peer reviews of the technical specifications.   The project manager, members of the development staff, testing, and perhaps even IT should be represented and involved in this process. 

Again, all of this should be done prior to sending the requirements and specifications to the development team to code the application.

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