Why do you need ORM tools like hibernate?

Questions by sunils   answers by sunils

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers

Sanjay Ichalkaranje

  • Oct 25th, 2006

To overcome the "paradigm mismatch" between object oriented data and table oriented relational databases.

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SONY V George

  • Apr 5th, 2007

Lot of lot advatages are giving by hibernate like tools. It will also give an clear OOview . It will help us to create,fetch,Update and delete using simple pOJo(plain java Object).

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  • Apr 10th, 2007

The hiernate ORM's main benifit comes when we are using collection of databases or when we want to move from one database to the other, all we gotta do is get into hibernate property file chane the settings thats it, its ready to go.

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  • Apr 14th, 2007

ORM Tools provide a slick way of persisting objects (data) to a database. ORM tools greatly reduce the need the developers having to write SQL. ORM tools honor complex relationships. Thus if you have an object that has child objects on it (i.e. a customer who can have many addresses) when you issue a save on the parent, the ORM tool is smart enough to save all objects and will ensure they are wrapped in a transaction.

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chaitanya choukidar

  • Aug 6th, 2007

Basically we need Hibernate like tools for the purpose of developing the application in short period of time. The product like Hibernate used for the productivity. When  large amount of data have to handle that time instead of using JDBC we used Hibernate.

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Hibernate allows the application developer to concentrate on the business logic instead of writing complex SQLs. Aprt from this hibernate would take care of the database connections and managing connection pools.

Hibernate can be used with managed (websphere, JBOSS weblogic) and non managed containers (tomcat, jetty) both.

When working with managed containers, it makes used for JNDI, JTA..
But hibernate also gives flexibily to choose these API or not.

The domain model required by the hibernate is POJO. This makes things easy as the requirement for domain model for hibernate are atually the best practices for POJO's as well.

Hibernate is smart enough to interact with the underlying DB lazily. This is configurable as well.

since we want to reduce burden on the developer so for big projects if any maintaince is requered then problem finding and bug fixing is easy in case of hibernate.I can obey with one thing it we need to configure many files like POJO,hbm,configuration ,hibernateSessionFactory but for future maintaince is easy since every operation is made in particular manner .

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