What are major d/f's b/w Reporting tools(e.g. Crystal report) and OLAP reporting Tools(e.g. Hyeprion,Cognos )?

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  • Nov 18th, 2006


The main difference between Reporting tool and OLAP is

Reporting Tool: you can genarate only reports, then you can do only min, level analysis,

OLAP: you genarate reports, which will be in multi dimensnol, analysis


Sithu, sithusithu@hotmail.com

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  • May 25th, 2007

I guess with Cognos Report Net report bursting is possible ie splitting one report and sending to multiple people, Which I suppose is not possible in other tools.
And the architecture of Reportnet is diff from the rest.

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  • Sep 19th, 2008

OLAP reporting (online analytical process) in this reporting can do simple anyalsis of the data in report like graphical and physical processing of  the company.

Reporting tools: In this we can only see the reports  we cannot modify them.

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