How we can create job sequencer in abinitio i.e running number of graphs at atime

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Kamesh D.Ch

  • Oct 20th, 2006

As such there is no job sequencer supported by Ab initio Uptil the versions:

GDE:1.13.3 and Co>Op:2.12.1

But we can sequence a the jobs by creating Wrapper Scripts in UNIX i.e. a korn shell script which calls the graphs in sequence.

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vijay kumar

  • Oct 27th, 2006

 in Abinito it is not possible to create the job sequence. But scheduling of the jobs can be done with the help of scheduling tool called "CONTROL M".In this tool graph corresponding scripts and wrapper scripts are placed as per the sequence of exec and  we can monitor the execution of the graphs.


  • Oct 30th, 2006

somebody please explain abinitio to me in detail. its a request...!!! or die ... i need help ... now.

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  • Oct 31st, 2006

in advance version we have fesility about sequence generator in abinitio that is asseng key   path components-missilanious- asskey



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there is no sequencer concept in abinitio ..

suppose you have graphs A,B,C

A o/p is I/p to B and B o/p is Input to C

then you will write a wrapper script that will call this jobs .

script will be like this




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  • Jan 3rd, 2007

you can use next_in_sequence function which returns sequence of integers



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Say there are 10 jobs 1,2,3,4,5 .. 10 and all the graphs are deployed as script.
Suppose 1-4 graps should run at the same time and sequential pattern after that.

These are steps u may get into --

1. Create a script in unix that is required for sequential run,viz. would call the scripts generated by deployment of the graphs in the following manner -


nohup 5.ksh &
nohup 6.ksh &
nohup 7.ksh &
nohup 8.ksh &
nohup 9.ksh &
nohup 10.ksh &

2.Create a scheduler graph in abinitio.

a. Take five script execute components,
b. Call the 1.ksh 2.ksh 3.ksh and 4.ksh in four script execute components and keep them all in the same phase, say phase 0.
c. Call the in four script execute components and assign it as phase 2.

3. Run the graph.

Output :

1-4 would run at the same time and seqential pattern after the completion of the prior.

Every lock has a key !!! :)
Abhisek .. fresh as dew

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A job sequencer ie. running a number of graphs at a time, and deciding the sequence of the graphs execution can be achieved through the concept of using a "CONFIG" file. In a config file (configuration file), the sequence of call of the .ksh script is given, as well as whether a particular script will run in serial (independantly) or in parallel with other graphs (multiple graphs running at same time). Hence executing the config file solves our purpose.

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  • Dec 16th, 2009

If you want to run the graph one after one then  "mention the graph <name>.ksh file" in the end script of the graph. you can also use the validation of graph is sussessfully exicuted or not by $mpjret == 0 using if condition.

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PN Reddy

  • Jan 12th, 2012

Yes by using Plans we can make the jobs to run in sequence. means the output of the graph is input for and also by using Autosys or Control M we can schedule the jobs with proper dependencies.

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