1) what is datawarehouse architecture?2) Informatica Architecture?3) what is unit testing?4) what is type2 version dimension?

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srinivas vadlakonds

  • Oct 17th, 2006

1) Data warehousing is the repository of intgrated information data will be extracted from the heterogeneous sources. Data warhousing architecture contains the different  sources like oralc,flat files and ERP then after it have the staging area and Datawarehousing, after that it has the different Data marts then it have the reports and it also have the ODS - Operationa Data Store. This complete architecutre is called the Data warehousing Architecutre.

2)Informatica Architecture contains Repository,Repository server,Repository server administration console,sources,repository server and Datawarehousing and it have the Designer,Workfow manager, workfor monitor combination of all these are called Informatica Architecture.

3) The Developer created the mapping that can be tested independently by the developer induvidually.

4)Version dimention is the SCD type II in real time it using because of it will maintain the current data and full historical data.

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  • Feb 10th, 2007

1) Data Warehouse architecture is a three tire architecture where there are three tires i) bottom tire : it contains the gateways where they provide the interface b/w the data and the s/m ii) middle tire : it is the olap servers which is the actual provider of the services to the user requirements iii) top tire : it contains the actual user interface like the reporting, graphs

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