A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1Find ( A u B ) n C

This question is related to TCS Interview

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  • Oct 9th, 2006

tell me the procedure to solve this problem

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  • Oct 10th, 2006

Hi,I think you can try this way. Consider U (Union) as OR gate and Intersection as AND gate. Then you can come at the solution

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jai ailani

  • Feb 1st, 2007

ans is 00010101

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  • Mar 5th, 2007

A: 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

B: 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

by binary sub. a-b = 01100001 (1-0=1, 1-1=0,0-0=0, now (a-b)uc= 01100001

           or      01101101

gives 1101101... convert to decimal equals 109

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To find A-C, We will find 2's compliment of C and them add it with A,
That will give us (A-C)
2's compliment of C=1's compliment of C+1
Now (A-C) U B is .OR. logic operation on (A-C) and B
10111010.OR . 00110011
The answer is = 10111011,
Whose decimal equivalent is 187.

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  • Jun 26th, 2009

It is one of the representation of sets


hence A U B = A|B=00111111
(AUB)nC= (AUB)&C=00010101

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