What is project architecture?

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Project Architecure means what are the tiers in our project with flow diagram.

supposoe our project contains five tiers like client tier ,presentation tier, Business tier,Integration tier,Data tier. then we draw the all tiers flow.

project approch is different from project architecure. sorry here i can't insert my own project architecure diagram. if any one want project architecure , project approch  then mail me.

Client tier:

? IE Browser (default) from which the end user will access the application
? The request from the browser will be submitted to the Application Server using HTTP protocol.
? The Response from the presentation layer (struts framework) will be interpreted into html pages to view on the browsers.
? Presentation Tier:

Struts Framework with Tiles
? On Request from the browser, the appropriate Action Class handles the user request. The Action class then connects to the business tier via Service Business Delegate.
? Tiles have been used to create a set of pages with a consistent user interface (e.g.: the same navigation bar, header, footer, etc.).
? Taglibs are used for displaying tabular data (e.g. search results) in a consistent fashion, with pagination.
Business Delegate layer
? Enable the Struts Action classes to be unaware of underlying Session Beans
? Encapsulates the invocation of Service Locator to locate them.

Advantages of Struts
?Centralized File-Based Configuration?, i.e. rather than hard-coding information into Java programs, many Struts values are represented in XML or property files.
This loose coupling means that many changes can be made without modifying or recompiling Java code.
Validation of the user entry fields in the jsps to be handled by entries in the validation.xml and defining validation rules in validator-rules.xml.
Internationalization of the static components of the screen as field and button labels, titles, error messages etc.
This approach also lets Java and Web developers to focus on their specific tasks (like implementing business logic, presenting certain values to clients.) without needing to know about the overall system layout.

Business Tier

? The Business Delegate identifies the business service class (the Session EJBs) and delegates client request to the EJBs. Internally, the session beans are shallow, and delegate all business logic requests to business logic POJOs, which in turn implement the actual functionality.
? The Business Logic POJOs encapsulate the server side business logic. They do not use Hibernate directly, but instead call upon Data Access Objects (DAO) to work with the model. Parameters and return values are modeled as Data Transfer Objects (DTO), and hence no Hibernate model classes will ever leave the DAO layer. The business logic is made available in the business service class, which increases maintainability and easy debugging, if necessary.

Hibernate/DB Tier
The DAOs encapsulates the database access. For all practical purposes, we are using Hibernate (v 2.1) as the OR mapping layer. This saves development time to write SQLs for executing insert and update statements, find by primary key etc. For each value object that directly or compositely represent a table in the database, we have Hibernate mapping files.
For some complex data retrieval, however we will be using raw SQLs (independent of database) from the DAOs and populate the Value Object POJOs. In those specific cases, the DAOs will be having direct access to the Databases using the available connection. The connection properties of the ?DB Manager?, holding the data sources, direct the request to the appropriate database.

Issues that may rise of Hibernate
? Hibernate no longer supports dynamic proxies
? The Hibernate has issues using Microsoft's driver especially when using SqlServer2000. It appears that the failures are due to some strange handling of dates.
? Hibernate has issues with Informix Databases due to the way JDBC implementation is done in Informix.

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Abhiany Gautam

  • Mar 15th, 2007

Can anyone send me project architecture diagram. and plz differentiate project architecture and project approach briefly. Does project architecture follows project approach.


  • Aug 19th, 2011

anyone pls send me project architecture diagram. and plz differentiate project architecture and project approach briefly. Does project architecture follows project approach.
Is project architecture is same for all struts, spring etc for all. or different architectures for all. pls tell me

The architectures is nothing but how many layers will be there and which technologies are involved on each layer.

1) View Layer -------------> JSP, HTML, Ajax Technologies
2) Persistence Layer -------------> JDBC, Hibernate and i baties etc.
3) Controller Layer -------------> Struts (Action servlet)
4) Session Layer -------------> spring, EJB and etc.
5) Data Layer -------------> Database Technologies like Oracle, MySQL

Prasad MN

  • Dec 29th, 2012

Project Architecture is nothing but is structure of your application. What are the layers are used to retrive the data from the Database.


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  • Mar 12th, 2015

please send me the project architecture diagram in java

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Ganesh Bhat

  • Apr 2nd, 2015

Project Architecture is the result of technical and business decisions made.

They are box and line(connector) diagrams, in which overall architecture will follow one of the following architecture styles
1. Layers 2. Pipes and Filters 3. Microkernal 4. Repository 5. Publish Subscribe 6. Call Return etc.

It could be enterprise architectures such as SOA, SOC
It could be enterprise integration patterns

Usually all enterprise architectures tend to have layers style in them.

The architecture diagrams can be classified into following categories
1. Logical 2. Development View 3. Physical View/Deployment View 3. Dynamic View/ProcessView
Logical View helps to see the components structure,
Deployment/Physical view talks about how each component deployed on each server
Dynamic/Process View helps to see components in runtime (like sequence diagram )
Development view talks about version control, file/folder strucrure etc.

For this question, usually Logical View is expected.
Understand what all components are present in your system, see if you can categorize them into layers like Presentation, Business Logic and Database layers.
Check if they expose services ( SOA ) or do they work using ESB/Bus - Publish Subscribe.

Based on these output you will be able to explain the architecture.


  • Feb 17th, 2016

Can anyone send me project architecture diagram

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Rais pal Singh

  • May 2nd, 2016

Can anyone send me project architecture diagram. and plz differentiate project architecture and project approach briefly. Does project architecture follows project approach.

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  • Sep 19th, 2016

Can anyone send some Java Project Architectures.

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