What is angle and amplitude modulation? what is noise in modulation?

Showing Answers 1 - 28 of 28 Answers

aditi sood

  • Sep 30th, 2006

in amplitude modulation the ampllitude of d carrier signal vary accordin to d amplit. of d msg signalas d name indicates angle mod. hte angle of d carrier signal will varyany type of the mod. will b dere the logic is samenoise is d interference which creat disturbance in the signal at d receiving end

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rahul kumar

  • Dec 15th, 2006

modulation means change. to send a message of low frequency to a far distance we use a carrier of high frequency to carry the message. while transfering we change some parameters of carriers for faithful tranformation of message signal. if the amplitude of the carrier is varied in accordance with frequency of message signal then it is called amplitude modulation. if either phase or frequency is changed in accordance with the frequency of message signal then it is called angle modulation.

noise is an unwanted signal which enter in signal while transfering a signal and makes the signal distorted.

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in amplitude modulation the amplitude of the career is varied according to the
instaneous value of modulating signal
one point to note here is this , we can not have modulation index here more than '1'

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  • Jun 10th, 2007

Modulation is nothing but the changing the characteristics of a signal. Here
message signal is called modulated signal and carrier is called modulating
signal, in amplitude  modulation amplitude of message signal is varied, were as
in angle modulation angle is varied and when we came across noise, noise is
noting but the disturbance.

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  • Aug 16th, 2007

Angle modulation is the process by which the angle (frequency,phase) of the carrier is varied in accordance with the instantaneous value of the message signal is called angle modulation, the amplitude of the carrier is varied in accordance with the instantaneous value of the message signal is called amplitude modulation noise is more in angle modulation, but in AM it is less.

Amplitude modulation is nothing but varying either frequency or phase of the carrier signal according to the modulating message signal.
Similarly amplitude modulation is varying the amplitude of the high frequency carrier wave in order to carry the low frequency modulating wave over long distance.

The unwanted signal that is introduced into the modulated signal during transmission is called noise.

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  • Nov 6th, 2009

Modulation is a process in which one going to change some properties (amplitude, phase) of the carrier with respect to the message signal. in amplitude modulation change the amplitude and in angle modulation we will change phase and in angle modulation we can divided into two that is frequency modulation and phase modulation.

Noise is an unwanted signal. amplitude modulated signals are more prone to noise then angle modulated signals.

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  • Apr 14th, 2013

AMPLITUDE MODULATION: The amplitude of the carrier wave(high frequency wave) changes according to the instantaneous amplitude of modulating signal(message signal or base-band signal). The combined wave of carrier and message waves is known as modulated wave. This phenomenon is called amplitude modulation.

ANGLE MODULATION: similarly if phase angle of carrier varies with instantaneous amplitude of message signal , it is called as angle modulation.

NOISE: Noise is nothing but unwanted signals that interfere with message signal during transmission:)

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  • Sep 5th, 2013

amplitude modulation is vary in amplitude but not vary time.angle modulation frequency and phase varied

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ashok kumar

  • May 7th, 2014

In amplitude modulation the amplitude of the carrier is varied in accordance with the message signal and the remaining parameters like the phase and frequency are kept constant.

But in phase modulation,the phase and frequency of the carrier is varied in accordance with the message signal but the amplitude is kept constant

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Neeraj Kumar Mishra

  • May 27th, 2014

Amplitude modulation is the process in which the amplitude of the carrier signal is changed according to the modulating signal.

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  • Jun 8th, 2014

after the modulation process in the transmitter,modulated wave is given to the channel where noise is added externally and distorts the signal.So receiver must have the capability to reduce the noise,reconstruct the signal and reproducing the original modulating signal.

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  • Apr 18th, 2015

I want pure constant dc supply of 5 v from varying I.e 4 to 10 DC supply ..... what device should i use......?

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  • Apr 25th, 2015

7805 voltage regulator

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akshay manmode

  • Apr 30th, 2015

amplitude modulation: the encoding of the carrier wave by variations of its amplitude in accordance with an input signal.
A broadcast system that uses amplitude modulation.
noise in modulation: noise produced by undesirable amplitude variations of radio-frequency signal.

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