1.What is bulk collect?2.What is instead trigger3.What is the difference between Oracle table & PL/SQL table?4.What R built in Packages in Oracle?5.what is the difference between row migration & row changing?

Questions by mathewsumoth

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers

1.What is bulk collect?

Bulk collect is part of PLSQL collection where data is stored/ poped up into a variable.



type sal_rec is table of number;

v_sal sal_rec;


select sal bulk collect into v_sal from emp;

for r in 1.. v_sal.count loop


end loop;


2.What is instead trigger

instead triggers are used for views.

3.What is the difference between Oracle table & PL/SQL table?

Table is logical entity which holds the data in dat file permanently .  where as scope of plsql table is limited to the particular block / procedure .  refer above example  sal_rec table will hold data only till programme is reaching to end;

4.What R built in Packages in Oracle?

There R more then 1000 oracle builtin packges like:

Dbms_output,  dbms_utility    dbms_pipe .............


5.what is the difference between row migration & row


Migration: The data is stored in blocks whic use Pctfree 40%

and pctused 60% ( normally). The 40% space is used for update and delete statements .  when a condition may arise that update/delete statement takes more then pctfree then it takes the space from anther block.  this is called migration.

RowChaining: while inserting the data if data of one row takes more then one block then this row is stored in two blocks and rows are chained.


  • Oct 13th, 2006

insted of triggers: They provide a transparent way of modifying view that can't be modified directly through SQL,DML statement.

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  • Jul 20th, 2007

rowchaining works for varchar2 datatype which will allocate memory dynamically
suppose thier is column name varchar2(20);

first value-- venki which is 5
changed to venki12? which is 7

then? oracle will create datablock for 2 extra spaces.so while querying it must read data from two blocks. so performance is less for varchar2

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