Hi Tell me details about use cases . How we start actual testing in any organization . when the role of tester starts.

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  • Oct 3rd, 2006

Use cases are derived from the scenario in the real world. Tester has to think about positive & negative output, & write teh test cases depending on it

For ex if the real world scenario is user go to atm & debit some amount, Now Use cases are..User enter wrong Pin no, user incoorectly enter card, user want to debit amout more than in his account, usre withdraw such amout because of that the least balance req. is not remain etc

Depending on the CMM level of the company, the step at which the tester is involved get decided.

In CMM level 5 % 4--Starting from the requriment pash ithe tester is involved & he/ she can prepare teh doc related to it, Can put points of req that can not be implamented inn real world etc.

In CMM 3 &2 --whae everything is finalised & tester asked to write test cases for that

In CMM 1 & 0---When any one module is completed, directly the code is handover to tester & asked for testing..!

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  • Nov 10th, 2006


Use case will gives the functional flow of the requirment, Based on the use cases & Functional specefications testers will derive the test cases.


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  • Nov 11th, 2006

hi,use cases actually prepared from cstomer requirements & srs ...documentsthese use cases defines functionality of the every module in the appl...as a tester u have to think how the user is going to use the application ..then write the positive and negetive test cases using functional spec and use cases..negetive cases means in how many ways a customer make mistkes with this appl..kbyeravikumar

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