Who introduced the testing? And when it was developed?

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Well, Testing is never new at Application Development. It has been done from earlier. But the scope and way of doing Testing is changed time by time. Actually Earlier testing is done in Testing Phase only but Software Engineering pundits introudued new way of testing to avoid the crashing of S/w, new technique is known as V Model, In which we test the Application at Each stage whether it is requirement phase or Development phase. it has one special Testing phase where system/reg. testing is done.

No any individual guy is responsible for introducing the Testing. It is symentic approach of progress of Software Engineering.

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e separation of debugging from testing was initially introduced byGlenford J. Myers in his 1987 book the "Art of Software Testing".Although his attention was on breakage testing it illustrated thedesire of the software engineering community to separate fundamentaldevelopment activities, such as debugging, from that of verification.Drs. Dave Gelperin and William C. Hetzel classified in 1988 the phasesand goals in software testing as follows: until 1956 it was thedebugging oriented period, where testing was often associated todebugging: there was no clear difference between testing and debugging.From 1957-1978 there was the demonstration oriented period wheredebugging and testing was distinguished now - in this period it wasshown, that software satisfies the requirements. The time between1979-1982 is announced as the destruction oriented period, where thegoal was to find errors. 1983-1987 is classified as the evaluationoriented period: intention here is that during the software lifecycle aproduct evaluation is provided and measuring quality. From 1988 on itwas seen as prevention oriented period where tests were to demonstratethat software satisfies its specification, to detect faults and toprevent faults. Dr. Gelperin chaired the IEEE 829-1988 (TestDocumentation Standard) with Dr. Hetzel writing the book "The CompleteGuide of Software Testing". Both works were pivotal in to today'stesting culture and remain a consistent source of reference. Dr.Gelperin and Jerry E. Durant also went on to develop High ImpactInspection Technology that builds upon traditional Inspections bututilizes a test driven additive.

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