What is the difference between entity and attribute?

To put the definition of an entity is an entity is a single person, place, or thing about which data can be stored. That is in other words for example when one wants to store information about STUDENT then it has details like studentno, student name, address for communication, phone number, class of the student and so on. All of these details together is placed in the entity or table called as STUDENT. The entities may have relationship between the entities. Say for instance the above STUDENT entity may have relationship between the entity named as COURSE. A student may be enrolled in more than one course thus forming the relationship ‘is enrolled in’ between the two entities STUDENT and COURSE. The database stores all the values of entities and relationships.

Attribute is the characteristic property of an existing entity. The attribute has two parts in it namely the attribute instance and attribute type. Attribute type is the column name or field name that is in the above student entity student name is the attribute type and the actual value stored in it is the attribute instance. Say for instance the value “Exforsys” stored as student name in the attribute type is the attribute instance.

Questions by GeekAdmin   answers by GeekAdmin

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • Sep 25th, 2006

An entity represents a real world object where as attribut reprsents the characteristics of an entity

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  • Apr 10th, 2010

The question is: " is the attribute instance." The attribute itself is not an instance but the value "Exforsys" stored in the attribute is an instance.

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  • Jan 29th, 2016

Attributes are the properties of entity, i.e, Every entity has some attributes.

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  • Apr 30th, 2016

Entity we call as object for example a man and attribute is the property of an entity.

For example man is an entity and property of a man: Name, age, salary is attribute.

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  • May 2nd, 2016

Simple is that "if man is an entity the the properties of the man is called attributes... may be many man have same properties and its some have different... So different entities should be have same and different attributes.

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  • Aug 18th, 2017

Difference between entity and attributes
entity is the table name
attribute is the column name of the table

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  • Oct 31st, 2017

Set of attribute is called entity

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