How can we say the Performance increases if we make use of S_PARTY , can you elaborate with real time example ?

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There are two kinds of Joins in Siebel.

1. Implicit Join

2. Explicit Join

Implicit Joins are from base table to extension table. And the Foriegn Key in this case will be there in Extension Table. So, these Join is faster than Explicit Join.

To Utilize this feature siebel has introduced concept of Party Tables. S_PARTY will be the base table for all the party tables and they are extended tables to S_PARTY. All the Business Component's will use S_PARTY as the base table. and make joins to get the columns from different tables.

If you have S_CONTACT as base table and you have to get a column from S_ORG_EXT then you have to create a Expicit Join. Where as if you have S_PARTY as the base table then all the party tables like S_CONTACT, S_ORG_EXT, S_USER are the extension tables we can create Impilicit Joins. So, in this way the performance will be increased using the Implicit Joins.

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