Are there any major difference between Agile Testing and Rapid Software Testing?

Questions by vikram sheorey   answers by vikram sheorey

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers

subhra ranjan

  • Sep 21st, 2006

Agile Testing is not about finding where the software breaks rather its about finding where the Software works.But rapid testing is different.Rapid Testing uses a cyclic approach to constantly re-optimize testing to fit the needs of your clients. Rapid Testing isn't just testing with a sense of urgency, it's mission-focused testing that eliminates unnecessary work, assures that everything necessary gets done, and constantly asks what testing can do to speed the project as a whole.

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I understand what you have said about Rapid Testing, but I'm unsure about the Agile part.From what you say, the latter is not looking to find bugs - this is a bit confusing because I thought that Software Testing was all about fnding bugs in order to improve the quality of the product.Maybe I misunderstood you but if you could clarify this matter that would be great.Thanks a lot

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  • Oct 17th, 2006

Agile Testing: Testing practice for projects using agile methodologies, treating development as the customer of testing and emphasizing a test-first design paradigm.

 rapid software testing  :This class introduces you to rapid software testing, a complete testing methodology designed for a world of barely sufficient resources, information, and time. Based on the principles in the book Lessons Learned in Software Testing: a Context-Driven Approach, this class presents an approach to testing that begins with personal skill development and extends to the ultimate mission of software testing: lighting the way of the project by evaluating the product.

The philosophy of rapid testing presented in this class is not like traditional approaches to testing, which ignore the ?thinking? part of testing and instead advocate never-ending paperwork. Products have become too complex for that, and testers are too expensive. Rapid testing uses a cyclic approach and heuristic methods to constantly re-optimise testing to fit the needs of your clients. Rapid testing isn?t just testing with a sense of urgency, it?s mission-focussed testing that eliminates unnecessary work, assures that everything necessary gets done, and constantly asks what testing can do to speed the project as a whole.

One important tool of rapid testing we will cover is the discipline of exploratory testing ? essentially a testing martial art. Exploratory testing combines test design and test execution into one process that finds a lot of problems quickly. If you are an experienced tester, you?ll find out how to articulate those intellectual processes of testing that you already practice intuitively. If you?re a new tester, hands-on testing exercises help you gain critical experience.

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