How do we insert new data pool columns while creating a data pool?

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prakash ch

  • Oct 14th, 2006

A datapool can have up to 150 columns if the Rational Test software automatically generates the data for the datapool, or 32,768 columns if you import the datapool from a database or other source.

inserting new data pool columns while creating a new datapool

1. open rational test manager>manage-->datapool

*.manage datapool dialogbox appears

3. click new push button to creating a new datapool

* new datapool dailog box opens

select general tab button.

4. type yours datapool name and description

click ok pushbutton

* data type specification dialogbox opens

// here u can add datapool coloumns name,type and so on

by using "insert after" or "insert before" push buttons

5. specify no of records u want to generate in the field "No. of records to generate".

6. then save and close

it go back to manage datapool dialogbox

7. click edit

* datapool properties dialog box presents

choose one of the following

a).click "defind datapool fields..." to add columns or modify datapool structure.


b).click "Edit Datapool Data" to enter new data into datapool u difined.

then save that and close

now it available to use using rational robot.

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