Crontab is a very useful command used for scheduling purpose. If a person working inn Linux operating system wishes to schedule to run later they can achieve this by using the crontab command. Thus it is possible that each user working in the Linux operating system can define their own crontab. There are many options available with this crontab command. Some of them are namely:
Crontab with –u option is used for specifying a username.
If this –u option is not specified then the user whoever is executing the command would be taken for crontab.
Crontab with –l option is used to list the entries of current crontab
Crontab with –r option is used to remove the current crontab.
What is the use of crontab command in Linux Operating system?
Crontab is a very useful command used for scheduling purpose. If a person working inn Linux operating system wishes to schedule to run later they can achieve this by using the crontab command. Thus it is possible that each user working in the Linux operating system can define their own crontab. There are many options available with this crontab command. Some of them are namely:
Crontab with –u option is used for specifying a username.
If this –u option is not specified then the user whoever is executing the command would be taken for crontab.
Crontab with –l option is used to list the entries of current crontab
Crontab with –r option is used to remove the current crontab.
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