A girl visits to her cousin's house for a vacation. They both played a game for all the days she stayed there for every win they need to give a chocolate to the other. At the day when she left she had given 12 chocolates but had won 8 games. Find how many days she stayed there ?Ans:32please tell the approach

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Questions by kusuma_b   answers by kusuma_b

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Sep 19th, 2006

First of all the right question is:

Last Year my cousin came to my place and we played a game where the loosing one has to give one chocolate to the person who won the game .At the end of the vacation, i.e the day my cousin was leaving she counted number of games that I won an she won. At last she gave me a total of 8 chocolates even though she won about 12 games.
How many days did my cousin stayed in my house?

Ans: She won 12 times means I lost 12 times, also She gave me 8 chocolates

thus the total no of times I won are 12+8 times = 20 times.

She won 12 times.

Thus she stayed in my place for 20 +12 = 32 days. 

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8+8+12= 28 days she stayed
firstly she won 8 games she must loose all 8 so it will take 16 days
then she lost 12 games to loose 12 chocolates

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