1. Why is it so that the given query worked :"select * from (select rownum rnum,a.* from emp a) where rnum=70; "while this query dint work :"select * from (select rownum,a.* from emp a) where rownum=70;"2. as i've read that rownum can work only for < and or >=, then why the query worked for rnum=70

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Lavanya Chowdary

  • May 6th, 2007

It will work for = operator
But it will work for the first row in the table pls check that

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ROWNUM returns a number indicating the order in which the row was retrieved from the table, but this is not always the order in which a row is displayed. 

If you directly user rownum in the outer query it considers the rownum of outer query not that of inner query.

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