Ab Initio Interview questions compiled. Someone please answer them. It will help all of us here.1) What is the difference between dbc and cfg? When do you use these two?2) What are the compilation errors you came across while executing your graphs?3) What is depth_error?4) During the execution of graph, let us say you lost the network connection, would you have to start the process all over again or does it start from where it stopped?5) Types of partitions and scenarios.6) What does unused port in join component do?7) Define Multi file system. Can you create multifile system on the same server? Also, if you have a table that has Name, Address, Status, Position attributes, can Name and Address be on one partition and Status and Position in the other partition?8) What is a sandbox? Did the co-operating system version 2.8 have sandbox, if not how would you store the respective files?9) How did you do version control? Which tool did you use?10) How do you troubleshoot performance issues in graph?11) What are the usual errors that you encounter during ETL process apart from compilation process?12) Were you involved in production support? What were the different kinds of problems that you encountered?13) Please give us insight on Enterprise Meta Environment, and some possible questions on that.14) What are delta table and master table?15) What error would you get when you use Partition by Round Robin and Join?16) In which scenarios would you use Partition by Key and also, Partition by Round Robin and differences between the both?17) What are the different dimension tables that you used and some columns in the fact table?18) How do you count the number of records in a flat file?19) How do you count the number of records in a multifile system without using GDE?20) What does Scan and Rollup component do and give a scenario where you used them?21) Did you ever used user defined functions or packages? If yes, give a scenario.22) What do you have to give the value for the Record Required parameter for a natural join?23) When do you use Partition by Expression?24) What is Adhoc File System? Give me a scenario where you used it.25) What are the different commands that you used when writing wrappers?26) What do the hidden files in a sandbox represent and what does start.ksh represent?27) What are different things that you have to consider when loading data into a table?28) What is difference between Redefine Format and Reformat components? 29) Sometimes you have to use dynamic length strings. Can you give me one circumstance where you need it?30) If you have a flat file as follows:20 General Manager Chris30 Divisional Manager Harry20 General Manager Mary30 Divisional Manager DravidHow do you count the number of records that have 20 in the first column, and likewise for 30.

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

I am sending some answers which I know. Hope this is helpful to you ..

1 a) cfg is the databse table configuration file ,dbc is the data base configuration file.
2.1 databsae component have the cfg file .
2 a) compilation errors are " depth not equal"," data format error" etc...
3 a) depth error : we get this error.. when two components connected together but does't match there layout .. at that time we get the depth error..
4 a) start the process all over again
5) partitions are broadcast, pbyexpression, pbyroundrobin, pbykey, pwithloadbalance
partition component are partitions the data
6) join the data after applied the join conditions unused records are send to the unused port used records send to the output port..
7)muiltifile system : we get the files in different servers..
m_mkfs in this manner we specify the multifile system ...
8) in sandbox we store the graph related files ...its a local work area...its created in local desktop machine...sandbox works as a
intermediate stage between the gde and eme.....
9) we use eme for version control... or pvcs. some times we store the graph with out version control....
10) to increase the performance of the graph using phase & cp,sort components...
11) all ready i mention in answer 2 u can check it..
12) upto now i am not involved in production support...
13) eme is a enterprise meta data environment ..eme performs version control, statistical
analytical, dependency analysis...stores the graph in eme using check in process..
14) delta table maintain the sequencer of each dt...master table is a when we create any view on table that table its called as a master table .or base table ...
15) what error
you got i will tell you the solution on that..
16) partiton by key its used to the
partition the data on key specifier. according to key specifier partition the data ..partition the round robin we used record independent parallisam .. well balanced data
17) scd 2 & 3
18) rollup
component becoz its performs aggregate functions like
19) above answer
20) rollup give summarize groups of data records & performs aggregate functions like
scan generate cumulative totals . to generate year to date totals at that time scan we used..
21) packages
nothing but multistage components or transform components ..
22) we r not specify any record required parameter in
natural join ..
23) partition the data according to given expression at that we use the
by expression
24) adhoc file system is nothing but a set of serial files having the same record
formats.. or set of partitions of serial files ...
25) its depend on writing script
26) ksh represent a script file extension
27) api &
utility mode
28) reformat performs the deriving new data ,by adding fields,
dropping fields redefine format using for rename fields

this answers will be helpful to you

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