What is the difference between COGNOS 8 & Business Objects & which business intelligent tool is best for reporting purpose?

Questions by sucheta12345

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • Sep 12th, 2006

Hi sucheta

We could not able to say BO is good or Cognos is good, but both the tools are BI tools, there you WebI and Report net, you can able to choose only according to your(client) requirements,


BO is easy to learn and work

Cognos is also easy, but initial stage you have to put more efforts, apart from this I don?t find any difficulties, but both they are a good OLAP tools



Sithu, sithusithu@hotmail.com

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  • Dec 3rd, 2006

In terms of performance & scalability wise which tool is better for report ? BO & COGNOS ?

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  • Apr 7th, 2007

All depends upon client's requirement. job market is almost similar,

COGNOS is a bit costly so less number of companies are using. BO is widely used in comparison to COGNOS.

Basic difference is COGNOS is for MOLAP and BO is for ROLAP.



  • Jul 8th, 2007

COGNOS not requires any maintainance after installation, but BO requires a little bit maintainance which we can easily.



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  • May 9th, 2008

The previous answer is not correct. Cognos 8 is a ROLAP tool, it can only be considered MOLAP when reporting on Powercubes which are version 7 products.

The simple answer is that there is no real difference in the toolsets. Both vendous offer ad-hoc reporting packages that sit on top of relational databases.

When Cognos updates the powercubes feature that will make a small differnce.

In practise Cognos tend to be deployed on a Unix environment and BO on Windows but this is more what I have seen on customer sites rather than anything the vendors would ever recommend.

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  • Oct 29th, 2008

Hello, I've deployed multiple Cognos BI environments from scratch, most of which have been Windows-based. Some larger clietns use UNIX /Mainframe back-ends, but my experience is that these are less common. Also, check-out 8.4, Cognos Powercubes are back!!

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  • Apr 11th, 2009

Cognos 8 Framework manager automatically generates database properties i.e. It can generate the relations between tables [Query Subjects] automatically. BO Designer does not have this property.

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In Cognos, we can generate a single report from multiple data sources (homogeneous or heterogenous).  In BO, we can generate report from single datasource (multiple connections not allowed).

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  • Jul 27th, 2011

In BO also we can generate report from multiple data sources by merging two data providers at report level, however with universe we can connect to only one database unless they are not linked universes.

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