We use look up transformation when we create a maping for Type1,Type2,Type3 slowly changing dimentions
Sep 7th, 2006
Analyze a delimited flat file. Configure a connected lookup transformation. Use a filter transformation to exclude records from the transformation pipeline.
The Marketing department is holding a special promotion for stores targeted as potential customers. They have purchased an industry listing from the Nielsen Research Company of their target market, which includes potential new customers as well as many of their current customers. Because this promotion is extended to new customers only, they must first exclude existing customers from this listing before they send out the promotional mailing.
Informatica Solution
The purchased industry listing is a flat file, nielsen.dat, which has been placed on the Informatica server machine. After analyzing the purchased listing file, you see that a state tax ID for each store has been included.Our Company also uses a state tax ID to keep track of its customers, making comparison very easy. In our case, this is done with the CUSTOMER_ID. In your Informatica mapping, create a lookup transformation based on the CUSTOMERS table. Next, compare the state tax ID from the purchased listing to the CUSTOMER_ID in the CUSTOMERS table via the lookup. Use a filter transformation to test the result of the lookup and filter out matches. When no match is found for a given state tax ID, the filter allows the potential customer record into a NEW_CUST table which can be used for the promotional mailing.
Hands On
?Analyze the Source File
What to do?
Use the Source Analyzer to analyze the delimited flat file NIELSEN (from the directory your instructor provides.)The flat file contains a header row. Define the layout of the flat file as below:
?Design the target schema
What to do?
Use the Warehouse Designer to create an automatic target definition named NEW_CUST using the NIELSEN source definition. Then physically create the table in the target database using your student ID and password. The table columns should look like the ones below:
Explain why and where do we use the look up transformations.