Can a universe be connected to different databases?

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  • Sep 6th, 2006

yes, a universe can be connected to different database. However to do so, we have to link two universes which are on different database.

however if we consider, unlink universe(or only one universe), then it is not possible to have a universe that is connected to different database as in a universe we have only one connection at a time.

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  • Sep 12th, 2006



You can do using multiple data providers




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  • Sep 22nd, 2006

NO. A universe cannot connect to more than one database at the same time. But in Report we can use multiple data providers which internally two different universe and 2 different database.

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  • Oct 3rd, 2006

NO  a universe can not take the data from more that one database ,if ever we want data from another database we have to create another universe or use different data provider while report creation

Ranjan sahoo

  • Oct 11th, 2006

no we cannt connect one .unv to more than one database. but we can link the universe and use two dif.. database.... 

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  • Dec 13th, 2006

In Xi rel 2 using data federator you can connect to multiple database.

in previous version there is work around, lets you have universe connecting to database user "A" and you are looking to add one more table from other database user "B".

What you can do give select grant  (in Oracle) to  user "A" from"B" and then create synonym in user "A".

Once you have done that open universe and change the connection to user "B" add table and then go back to connection "A".

I hope you understand.

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