What is Connection Pooling?

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  • Sep 8th, 2006

A connection pool is a set of database connections that are available for an application to use. Connection Pooling is the concept of using a connection pool for enhanced performance.

Swapna Gentyala

  • Oct 30th, 2006

Connection Pooling is provided by MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server). Instead of creating and destroying the connections, Connections are put to asleep and revoked when needed. It saves most of the System time when the connections are kept open. It provides reusability as a single connection is used many times.

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Connection pooling is the process of managing the connections effectively and
efficiently by optimizing the usage of database connections.

The way the connection pooling works is,

1. It initializes a pool of connections with the database.

2. When a connection is requested by the application, it returns a connection
from the pool.

3. The application after using the connection returns it back to the pool

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Connection pooling is the ability of re-use your connection to the Database. This means if you enable Connection pooling in the connection object, actually you enable the re-use of the connection to more than one user.

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