In how many ways you add synchronization point?

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Supratik jawalkar

  • Sep 5th, 2006

To maintain time mapping between testing process and application execution process we can use the synchronization concept.
We can do Synchronization in three different ways. They are :
a) by using wait statement in TSL.
        syn:- wait(time in seconds).
   This function defines fixed waiting time to stop the test process execution.  But, in some of the applications the operation taking time varies. This is a draw back by using wait statement.

b) by changing runtime setting.
   During test script execution winrunner depends on two types of runtime setting values. They are
1) delay in window synchronization = 1 sec
2) time out to execute = 1sec.
Go to settings menu.
Select general options.
Select run tab.
Change delay or timeout.
Click apply.
Click ok.

c) by selecting synchronization point.
    There are three sub-options here.
For object or window property.
Syn:- obj_wait_info(?obj name?, ?property?, ?expected?, max time to wait in seconds);
For object or window bitmap.
Syn:- obj_wait_bitmap(?obj name?, ?imagefile.bmp?, max time to wait in seconds);
For screen area bitmap.
Syn:- obj_wait_bitmap(?obj name?, ?imagefile.bmp?, x,y, width, height, max time to wait in seconds);
Note: You can select synchronization point under create menu.

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  • Sep 8th, 2006

web_sync(time out) command to wait for synchronization point for a web application

win_wait_bitmap ( window, bitmap, time [, x, y, width, height] );

waits for a window bitmap.

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  • Sep 8th, 2006

There are five  ways of  synchronization point. They are

1.wait();we can add these function to define fixed waiting while running tests.

wait("time in sec");

for object/window:we can use these option to verify completion of build

process depending on property value of status or progess like objects in our

application build

EX:Process completed ->status/ progessbar enabled

2.Navigation:create menu -->synchronization point-->for object/window

3.Navigation:create menu -->synchronization point-->for


object_window/Bitmap:we can use these option to verify completion of

 build process depending on shape of the image in your application build

for screen area:we can use these option to verify completion of

 build process depending onshape of the image path application build

4.Navigation:create menu -->synchronization point-->for screen area.

 5.changing the Run time setting:

Navigation->setting menu->general option -->Run tab-->change time out->click Apply ok.

By default 10 seconds

This option are in Win Runner 7.0


 for 2 one is

object_wait_info("status or progessbar name", " enabled", 1, Maximum time);

for 3 one is

object_wait_bitmap("Imageobject name "Image file name", Maximum time);

for 4one is

object_wait_bitmap(("Imageobject name "Image file name", Maximum time

x,y weight, height);

 sudhakar kolla

If you are having any doubt can ask me.

My Email:Kollasudhakar2005 @

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  • Oct 22nd, 2006

There are five?  ways of?  synchronization point. They are

1.wait();we can add these function to define fixed waiting while running tests.

wait("time in sec");

for object/window:we can use these option to verify completion of build

process depending on property value of status or progess like objects in our

application build

EX:Process completed ->status/ progessbar enabled

2.Navigation:create menu -->synchronization point-->for object/window

3.Navigation:create menu -->synchronization point-->for


object_window/Bitmap:we can use these option to verify completion of

? build process depending on shape of the image in your application build

for screen area:we can use these option to verify completion of

? build process depending onshape of the image path application build

4.Navigation:create menu -->synchronization point-->for screen area.

? 5.changing the Run time setting:

Navigation->setting menu->general option -->Run tab-->change time out->click Apply ok.

By default 10 seconds

This option are in Win Runner 7.0


? for 2 one is

object_wait_info("status or progessbar name", " enabled", 1, Maximum time);

for 3 one is

object_wait_bitmap("Imageobject name "Image file name", Maximum time);

for 4one is

object_wait_bitmap(("Imageobject name "Image file name", Maximum time

x,y weight, height);

sudhakar kolla,


My number:09819859346

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