What is a synonym

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  • Jun 18th, 2005

Synonym, as the name suggests, is an alternative name for an object. It can be used for simplifying names that are lenghy or complex, for e.g you can use a simple synonym for accessing objects of other users, for which you had to prefix username to the object. 
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It is just like Aliasing .. ie giving some name in order to specicifically distinguish it....
In other words to simplify the names of tables , column names etc it is used.. Suppose i have a column name called new_employees_salary , so if i wanna use it , it will be a hectic job to tpe the lengthy column name, so we can create alias for this..by writing like this int new_employees_salary ='nes'

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Synonym is a alias name for an Oracle object.
It can be simplified names to access the objects.
Example of Synonym and how it is useful
Employee is a table is HR Schema
A user wants to access the same table and he has the privileges required to access the database.
He needs to access the table like HR.Employee
but if he has a synonym as emp for HR.Employee it is easy for the user to access the synonym.

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